Tuesday 1 July 2008

Bespoke Software Development - Your Fear Of It Is Hurting You

With the very clear advantages of having software custom developed for a company, many small business concerns are put off by the idea. They fear the complexity and they feel that the cost would be way beyond them. In fact such fears are largely unfounded.

Nowadays there are many custom software houses that focus on small businesses as their main clients. Such software firm will typically develop their applications using low-cost software solutions such as MS Access or Visual Basic. These low-cost custom solutions using readily available tools of course willl cost far less in maintenance contracts than the popular enterprise level solutions such as Oracle or Sybase.

A small business tailor-made software-provider will normally be able to advise you of the likely costs up front. He or she will be able to take your specification and create an initial design along with an initial estimate of the time the work will take to perform. Of course, accurate cost estimation is going to be crucial for any small business.

As any business owner will anticipate, when you are developing software in-house, there are very real risks in terms of costs but more so, in the prospect of developing software that might not work according to your business requirements. This risk is the key reason to hire an outside software house to provide a custom solution for you.

Unlike an in-house IT department, software houses have a real incentive to control costs and to provide solutions to you with the functionality agreed and at the cost specified at the time of project initiation.

Go over to access database development to learn how custom software solutions can help your small business. At that site you'll find many different examples of small businesses that had automation solutions successful built and integrated into their organization.